Peer Wellness Educator

Peer Wellness Educators (PWEs) assist the Student Well-Being staff on educational projects, primary prevention programs, social norms campaigns, and awareness campaigns. Peer Wellness Educators bring an important student perspective to the wellness team. Peer Wellness Educators will receive extensive training and are required to develop, implement, and coordinate campus wellness programs.

Meet Our Peer Wellness Educators!


"I am a Junior Biochemical Engineering student interested in pursuing a career in Medicine. I am friendly, outgoing, and care about improving our campus community!"


"I am a first-year civil engineering student who loves taking care of tiny humans. I am excited to make a difference on campus!"


"I'm a 5th yr senior in Mechanical Engineering. I’m soft spoken at first but warm up to others quickly and enjoy making connections. I'm excited to be involved in maintaining wellbeing on our campus!"


"I strive to create a healthier, safer campus for my peers."


" I'm a Computer Science grad student who's passionate about Astronomy. I'm super chill and love meeting new people, so don't hesitate to say hi!"


"I am a sophomore in mechanical engineering, striving to create a healthier campus environment!"


"I'm a sophomore Biology major with a minor in Chemistry interested in pursuing a career in Neuroscience. I'm excited to continue making a difference within the ResHalls!"


"I'm a Computer Science Master's student who believes that well-being is a key to success. I love meeting people and making new friends :)"


"I am a grad IST student who wants to make the S&T community safer!"


"I am an aerospace major dedicated to improving campus."