Nutrition Consultation

What is a nutrition consultation?

A nutrition consultation is a one-on-one meeting with a trained staff member to gain a better understanding of your eating habits, the basics of nutrition, and tips for living a healthier lifestyle. Participants will leave with a personalized nutrition plan that includes information on what and how much to eat within a specific calorie allowance. Each person will also be given personalized tips and tools that will contribute to a healthier relationship with food.

Interested in learning on your own time? Check out this Nutrition 101 resource, built by S&T students! Or check out our series of nutrition videos in the Health and Well-Being Canvas Course (under modules).


Who might benefit from a nutrition consultation?

Any current Missouri S&T student who wants to gain more information on the following topics may email to set up a free appointment.

  • Basic nutrition information
  • Choosing healthy meals on campus
  • Eating healthy on a budget
  • Losing weight in a safe way - no fad diets!
  • Smart shopping
  • Mindful eating
  • Portion control
  • Healthy choices while dining out


What should you expect during a nutrition consultation?

A nutrition consultation involves one 50 minute session and an optional follow-up session. Before the first session, please download and fill out a
three-day food tracker and email it to Food journals should include food and beverage intake for three days with a description of food/beverage, amount eaten, and time of day.