Annual Notification and Compliance

As a requirement of the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989, Missouri University of Science and Technology must disseminate and ensure receipt of the below policies and information to all students, staff, and faculty on an annual basis. This information also resides on this webpage for public access.

View the 2023-2024 Annual Review here. 
To request other years or full biennial reports please contact Student Well-Being.

Drug usage of any kind may affect and cause potential harm to the user. Drug usage may impact academic performance, work environment, safety, health, and general well-being. Listed below are some common health risks of drug usage. Please note this is not a comprehensive list of all possible side effects - for more information, please visit: 


Depressants slow down the central nervous system, which slows the operations of the brain and body. Short term effects include slow brain function, slurred speech, disorientation, and lack of coordination. Long-term use of depressants can produce addiction, depression, chronic fatigue, breathing difficulties, sexual problems, and sleep problems. High doses may cause coma or death. Some examples of depressants include Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Rohypnol, and Ambien.


Alcohol is a type of depressant which slows down the brain and results in an impaired cognitive state. Short term effects of alcohol usage include hangover and alcohol poisoning, as well as falls and accidents, conflict, lowered inhibitions, and risky behaviors. Long term, excessive use can lead to development of chronic disease, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, or stroke.


Cannabis is often described as a depressant with stimulant and hallucinogenic qualities. Short term effects include altered senses, changes in mood, impaired body movement, difficulty problem solving, and impaired memory. Long term effects include breathing issues, increased heart rate, impacts on brain development, and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (which causes the user to cycle severe nausea, vomiting and dehydration).


Stimulants speed up the body’s systems. Short term effects include rapid or irregular heartbeat, increased respiration, and paranoia. Long term effects include addiction and cardiovascular system damage, including heart attack, brain damage, seizures, lung damage, severe depression, paranoia, and psychosis. Some examples of stimulants include Adderall, Ritalin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and Dexedrine.


Nicotine is a type of stimulant that commonly comes in the form of cigarettes, vape juice, chewing tobacco, and cigars. Short term effects include lingering smoke smell, increased heart rate, coughing, and shortness of breath. Long term effects include addiction, lung disease, heart disease, cancer, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Hallucinogens are a diverse group of drugs that alter a person’s awareness of their surroundings, as well as their own thoughts and feelings. Short term effects include nausea, increased blood pressure, breathing rate, or body temperature, uncoordinated movements, numbness, disorientation, and excessive sweating. Long term effects include persistent psychosis, Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HHPD), anxiety, and memory loss. Some examples of hallucinogens include LSD, psilocybin, peyote, and DMT.

Dissociative Drugs

Dissociative drugs can produce visual and auditory distortions and a sense of floating and dissociation (feeling detached from reality) in users. Short term effects include numbness, disorientation, hallucinations, and increase in blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and body temperature. Long term effects include addiction, speech difficulties, memory loss, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. Some examples of dissociative drugs include PCP, DXM, salvia, and ketamine.


Also known as “narcotics”. The term “narcotic” comes from the Greek word for “stupor” and originally referred to a variety of substances that dulled the senses and relieved pain. Short term effects include drowsiness, slowed breathing, nausea, and unconsciousness. Long term effects include addiction, insomnia, collapsed veins, increased risk of blood-borne illnesses with intravenous users, and coma. Some examples of opioids include heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone, Vicodin, and Codeine.

Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is the use of a prescription medication in a way not intended by the prescribing doctor. Prescription drug abuse or problematic use includes everything from taking a friend's prescription painkiller for your backache to snorting or injecting ground-up pills to get high. While prescription drug abuse can occur with any medication, it often occurs with prescription pain medications (most commonly opioids, due to their high potential for addiction).


Inhalants are volatile substances that produce chemical vapors that can be inhaled to induce a psychoactive, or mind-altering, effect. Short term effects include slurred speech, inability to coordinate movement, hostility, and suffocation. Long term effects include lack of coordination, damage to brain, heart, liver, and kidneys, memory impairment, and death due to asphyxiation. Some examples of inhalants include paint thinner, glue, household aerosol items, and gases found in household products.

Under this law, the person who seeks medical help and the person experiencing the medical emergency shall not be arrested, charged, prosecuted, convicted, or have property subject to civil asset forfeiture resulting from minor drug and alcohol violations, when acting in good faith. 

This law provides immunity from: possession of a controlled substance (RSMO 579.015); possession of drug paraphernalia (RSMO 579.074); possession of an imitation controlled substance (RSMO 579.078); keeping or maintaining a public nuisance (RSMO 579.105); sale of alcohol to a minor -- certain other persons (RSMO 311.310); misrepresentation of age by a minor to obtain liquor – use of an altered driver’s license, passport or I.D. cards (RSMO 311.320); purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor (RSMO 311.325); violation of a restraining order; or violation of probation or parole. This limited immunity does not offer protection from any other crimes (e.g., distribution of a controlled substance, manufacturing of drugs, active warrants).

Signs of an opioid overdose include unresponsive to voice or shaking, shallow breathing or gurgling sounds, pin-point pupils, Lips or fingernails turning blue/gray

Signs of alcohol poisoning include irregular or slow breathing, skin turning blue, low body temperature and seizures

If you suspect someone is overdosing or suffering from alcohol poisoning, please call 9-1-1 - your call could save a life.

For more information on this law, please visit:

Student Well-Being: 573-341-4211,, 204 Norwood Hall
Provides health education and promotion on campus to strengthen well-being and reinforce healthy habits that reduce the impact of high-risk behavior. 

Student Well-Being provides education on a variety of wellness issues, including alcohol and other drugs. Services include:

  • BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening Intervention for College Students): A structured program for any student who seeks to develop alcohol safety skills and to become more knowledgeable about reducing harmful consumption and negative consequences associated with high-risk alcohol consumption.
  • iCHAMP (Individualized College Health for Alcohol and Marijuana Project): A program designed for any student who seeks to reduce risky behaviors and harmful consequences of marijuana using a harm-reduction approach.
  • Cessation Coaching and NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy): Provides one-on-one nicotine cessation coaching, a personalized quit plan, and over the counter NRT in the form of lozenges, patches, and gum, free of charge.
  • American Lung Association Freedom From Smoking: Group sessions offered at set dates throughout the year. The program features a step-by-step plan for quitting smoking, and each session is designed to help smokers gain control over their behavior. Because no single quit smoking plan is right for all smokers, the program presents a variety of evidence-based techniques for individuals to combine into their own plan to quit smoking. The clinic format also encourages participants to work on the process and problems of quitting both individually and as part of a group.
  • Personal Use Assessments ( Included are assessments for alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drug use to help the user assess their behavior.
  • Deterra Bags: A drug deactivation system available free through Student Well-Being. One bag can neutralize up to 15 pills, 2oz of liquid, or 2 nicotine patches.
  • STEP UP! for Safer Drinking: A bystander intervention training designed to create a safe and healthy campus environment by teaching participants to recognize the risky behaviors associated with alcohol consumption, along with the five-step decision-making model, bystander strategies, intervention styles, and how to overcome barriers.
  • S&T Prevention Coalition: A network of campus and community partners who utilize S&T specific data to guide wellness initiatives that encourage positive choices among students and reduce the impact of high-risk behavior associated with alcohol and other drugs.

View a list of additional alcohol and drug related resources and programs.


UCARE: Missouri S&T’s University Committee for Assistance, Response, and Evaluation (UCARE) was formed to address the need for greater communication and preparedness regarding students facing difficulty through prevention and intervention strategies. Members of the campus community are encouraged to make a UCARE referral when they are concerned about a student, regardless of how insignificant the concern may seem. Referrals can be made at

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime. Crisis Text Line is here for any crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds, all from their secure online platform. This service is not for medical emergencies.

Local AA Meetings:

Local NA Meetings:

Local Al Anon Meetings:

American Lung Association Lung Helpline: The Lung Helpline is staffed by nurses and respiratory therapists who help people with information and questions about the lungs, lung disease, and lung health, as well as helping people quit tobacco. Services are free and you can call by phone at 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872)

Phelps County Prescription Drug Take Back Site: Rolla Police Department, 1007 N. Elm Street, Rolla, MO 65401

Compass Health Substance Use Intervention: Compass Health offers substance use intervention ranging from early outpatient to residential services. More information is available by calling 844-853-8937

MoNetwork: Based in St. Louis, offers hepatitis and HIV testing, naloxone distribution and overdose education, safe sex items, and syringe services.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Optum

The UM System's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential, professional service provided to all employees, their families, retirees, and organizational work units. The EAP provides a variety of services to help employees influenced by a range of personal concerns or stressors. The EAP also assists work units and the larger organization to improve quality and productivity. Learn more from the website at

Student Well-Being: 573-341-4211, wellbeing@mst.edu204 Norwood Hall
Provides health education and promotion on campus to strengthen well-being and reinforce healthy habits that reduce the impact of high-risk behavior.

Student Well-Being provides education on a variety of wellness issues, including alcohol and other drugs. Services include:

  • Cessation Coaching and NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy): Provides one-on-one nicotine cessation coaching, a personalized quit plan, and over the counter NRT in the form of lozenges, patches, and gum, free of charge regardless of benefits status.
  • Deterra Bags: A drug deactivation system available free through the Student Well-Being office (204 Norwood Hall). One bag can neutralize up to 15 pills, 2oz of liquid, or 2 nicotine patches.

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime. Crisis Text Line is here for any crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds, all from their secure online platform. This service is not for medical emergencies.

Local AA Meetings:

Local NA Meetings:

Local Al Anon Meetings:

American Lung Association Lung Helpline: The Lung Helpline is staffed by nurses and respiratory therapists who help people with information and questions about the lungs, lung disease and lung health, as well as helping people quit tobacco. Services are free and you can call by phone at 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872)

Phelps County Prescription Drug Take Back Site: Rolla Police Department, 1007 N. Elm Street, Rolla, MO 65401

MoNetwork: Based in St. Louis, offers hepatitis and HIV testing, naloxone distribution and overdose education, safe sex items, and syringe services.

Standards of Conduct

The Standard of Conduct defines the University’s jurisdiction and the minimal behavioral expectations for students and student organizations.

All members of the university community are held responsible for their behavior and for respecting the rights of others. Missouri S&T endeavors to encourage a culture of compliance. The university is committed to providing education regarding the negative impacts of illicit drug use, misuse of prescription drugs, and the excessive or illegal consumption of alcohol.

Missouri S&T regulations prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of alcohol and illicit drugs on all University-owned or controlled properties and at University-sponsored or supervised activities, including school-related events or professional meetings requiring travel. The respective Standards of Conduct apply to all employees, students, and student organizations, including organizations that have University Approved Housing faculties. 

The sale, manufacture, distribution, or possession of any controlled substance is illegal under both state and federal laws. Missouri S&T University Police strictly enforce these laws. Violators are subject to University disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fines, and/or imprisonment.

The university complies fully with local, state, and federal regulations regarding the sale, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Missouri S&T is designated drug-free, and only under certain conditions is the consumption of alcohol permitted, as outlined in S&T Policy I-90- Campus Alcoholic Beverage Program. In keeping with our educational mission, the University assumes the responsibility to inform the campus community about alcohol and drug abuse/misuse and prevention efforts.

**December 2022 Update: As the state of Missouri recently legalized recreational marijuana for those 21 and older, we wanted to remind our campus community that due to federal regulations, any use, possession, distribution, or manufacture of marijuana remains prohibited on the campus or at any university-sponsored or university-supervised event. Our campus remains in compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. For more information, read the UMSystem press release here.


For specific policies, please see:

Student Affairs and Vice Chancellor Alcohol Policy 

Alcohol Policy for Recognized Student Organizations   

Amnesty for Student Conduct Violations  

Athletic Department Alcohol and Other Drug use Policy 

Campus Alcohol Beverage Program 

Missouri S&T Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace 

 UM System Parental Notification of Alcohol and Controlled Substance Violations (180.025)

Student Life Alcohol Advertisement Policy 

Student Life Alcohol Expectations/Guidelines 

University Housing – Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy 

Missouri S&T Tailgating Policy

UM System Drug/Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace (HR-508)

Standard of Conduct – UM System (200.010)


Missouri S&T will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees for violations of the drug and alcohol standards of conduct. Violation of University regulations can result in disciplinary action up to, and including, expulsion for students and discharge for employees.

The rights of due process for employees and students are addressed in the Rules of Procedures in Student or Student Organization Conduct Matters and University Of Missouri Human Resources Manual.

Local, state, and federal laws also prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs. Criminal penalties for violation of such laws range from fines up to $20,000 to imprisonment for terms up to, and including, life. Reference Missouri Revised Statutes, specifically section RSMo 579 for further details on charges and legal sanctions.

Federal Trafficking Penalties can be found here.

International Accreditation of Counseling Services- Annual Assessment

2020-2021; This report is compiled on an annual basis pursuant to state statute.

S&T IACS Report 2021-2022

S&T IACS Report 2022-2023

S&T IACS Report 2023-2024