Presentations, Trainings, and Workshops

Student Well-Being provides presentations, trainings, and workshops to organizations, classes, and other groups that request them. Requests can also be made for department presence, such as for a discussion panel, event, meeting, etc. A request for department presence does not have to be directly related to a pre-made presentation.

All requests must be made at least two weeks in advance. Special, tailor-made requests must be done one month in advance.

Depending on the presentation requested, we may schedule a consultation with you to tailor the presentation to your group's goals.



Should I choose a presentation or a support group?

Presentations would be given once, whereas support groups have more sessions.
Presentations are geared more towards a larger group of students (like Greek Life, organizations, classes, etc) at their chosen location, while support groups are ideal for students that want to discuss with a small group of their peers about a topic that they are all interested in at the Counseling office.
View available support groups here.

Length: 50 minutes

STEP UP! is Missouri S&T’s bystander intervention training and pro-social movement. It is a behavioral and educational program that aims to raise awareness of helping behaviors, increase motivation to help, develop skills and confidence when responding to problems or concerns, and ensure the safety and well-being of self and others. 

Did you know: Across all presentations, confidence in recognizing warning signs of a distressing or crisis situation was 90% after taking the training!

Topics Covered: general bystander intervention, how to intervene in a situation, barriers to stepping up

Length: 50 minutes

Learn the steps, strategies, barriers, and techniques to help a friend in need. This mental well-being focused STEP UP! training can help you figure out how best to talk to someone who you may be concerned for.

Topics Covered: underlying concerns, disruptions in mental well-being, steps to intervene, barriers to stepping up, suicidality, suicide prevention

Did you know: 98% of students can recall life saving suicide prevention information after taking the STEP UP! for Mental Well-Being  training, such as never leaving someone alone in active danger and how to talk about suicide.

*This presentation is applicable to organizations applying for Silver or Gold Level Certification status*

Length: 50 minutes

Recognize risky behaviors associated with alcohol consumption, identify protective strategies for self and others, correct misperceptions regarding student alcohol consumption, respond to situations confidently, early, and effectively, and promote the use of campus and community resources in this STEP UP! program.

Topics Covered: binge drinking, BAC, predatory drugs, barriers to stepping up, consent, alcohol poisoning, protective strategies while drinking

Did you know: 86% of students feel more confident in responding to potential concerns after taking the STEP UP! for Safer Drinking presentation!

*This presentation is applicable to organizations applying for Silver or Gold Level Certification status*

Lengths: 50 minutes

STEP UP! principles are featured in this training geared towards supporting campus belonging and inclusion and providing skills in recognizing our own bias and intervening on behalf of others when issues of stereotyping and prejudice arise.  

Topics Covered: othering, inclusion definitions, barriers to stepping up, identities

Did you know: 97% of those who have taken this STEP UP! would recommend the training to a friend!

*This presentation is applicable to organizations applying for Silver or Gold Level Certification status*

Length: 50 minutes

Learn about how to recognize and respond to situations where someone may be at risk of being a victim of sexualized violence, how our campus is impacted, and how concepts of gender and consent influence perceptions.

Topics Covered: sexual assault and rape data, consent, incapacitation, predatory drugs, victim rights, barriers to stepping up, sexualized violence scenarios

Did you know: 90% of students feel more confident and able to report a concern they come across after taking the STEP UP! for Sexualized Violence Prevention training!

*This presentation is applicable to organizations applying for Silver or Gold Level Certification status*

Length: 50 minutes

Think a student in your class might be struggling with mental wellness, yet you aren’t quite sure what to do? You don’t need to be a therapist or a counselor to make a difference. Learn to identify warning signs and gain confidence in engaging students to connect them successfully to support and services.

Topics Covered: student health and well-being data, disruptions in mental well-being, tips for directly intervening, barriers to stepping up, barriers that prevent students from receiving help, faculty champions


Length: 50 minutes

The presentation includes general information about alcohol in a “game show” environment.

Topics Covered: standard drink size, BAC, alcohol and the body, binge drinking, alcohol use disorder, alcohol poisoning, policies and laws to know, resources, jeopardy game

Length: 50 minutes

Learn the strategies to minimize alcohol-related risks, especially with regard to Greek life.

Topics Covered: standard drink size, BAC, alcohol and the body, binge drinking, safer drinking practices, alcohol use disorder, alcohol poisoning, policies and laws to know, alcohol and sexual activity

Length: 50 minutes

Learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy coping skills and what types of healthy coping skills are best for each individual. The presentation goes over how to develop healthy coping skills and make them stick, as well as the resources, on and off-campus, that can help.

Topics Covered: stress and well-being, coping skills, resources

Length: 50 minutes

Presentation includes general information about types of sexual relationships, sexual health, anatomy, and LGBTQ. 

Topics Covered: gender, sexuality, identity, consent, menstruation, body parts, types of contraception, STI testing, resources

Length: 2 hours

This training is reserved for student leaders who want to become trained in mental well-being resources, intervention, and referrals for friends who may be struggling to cope well, are in distress, or are in crisis. Typically, only a few members of each organization will go through the training to become certified. This training is not for an entire organization.

Goals for training:

  • Gain a greater understanding of mental well-being
  • Be aware of and reduce barriers to seeking help
  • Respond promptly, confidently, & appropriately to people in distress or crisis
  • Become aware of and promote campus resources
  • Identify people at risk for suicide
  • Recognize the risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs of suicide

Length: 50 minutes

This presentation is geared towards student athletes. It covers what stress is, and how it can affect us.

Topics Covered: stress cycle (i.e., how stress influences our interpretation of the situation, which can have a chain reaction on our emotions and behavioral response), perception surrounding stressful events, perfectionism, how to 'fail well', develop coping mechanisms to manage stress, sleep hygiene tips, resources

Length: 20-30 minutes

This training covers all of the campus mental well-being resources available to students. It also provides examples of how to get involved to promote well-being as an individual or for your organization.

Length: 50 minutes

Are you constantly grabbing fast food or stuck in a rut of having mac and cheese every day? Find out how you can plan easy, well-balanced meals that are delicious and nutritious to make. Discover tips and techniques for meal planning, grocery shopping, label reading, and eating healthy on a budget.

Topics Covered: understanding the basics of nutrition, food groups, portion sizes, reading food labels, physical activity, healthy eating habits, resources

Length: 50 minutes

Presentation focuses on consent, sexually transmitted disease awareness, and healthy sexuality in a “game show” environment.

Length: 30-50 minutes

College can be stressful trying to balance studying with all of your other extra activities. Identify what triggers stress and learn different ways to reduce your stress level in any situation. 

Topics Covered: types of stress, effects of stress, managing and coping with stress, mindfulness exercises, time management, goal setting and planning, resources

Learn about what Narcan is used for, when to use it, and how you can help prevent opioid overdoses and overdose death.

ASTP is a 90-minute program with the goal of teaching students ways to drink alcohol that minimizes risks to their health and safety. Students will learn the psychology and biology of alcohol use and develop skills on how to count and pour standard drinks, properly measure alcohol consumption, find their personalized “limits”, and discuss how to use risk reduction strategies. This training acknowledges that abstinence is the most risk- or harm-free outcome, but it also acknowledges that any steps toward reduced risk are steps in the right direction. The program focuses on strategies and skills for drinking in a less dangerous or less risky way for those who make the choice to drink.

Dispelling myths about what anger really is and isn’t; introduction to alternative methods to manage stress and de-escalate conflict

Topics Covered: anger and events that lead to anger, aggression cycle, coping techniques, anger control plan

Basic introduction to assertiveness and practice using simple models for meeting individual needs and resolving/managing conflict

Topics Covered: defining assertiveness, how to be assertive, communication techniques, resources for building assertiveness

Interactive presentation tailored to group needs

Topics Covered: clear communication tips, types of conflict, conflict resolution, scenario practice, resources

Coping with demands; review of environmental, physical, emotional, and intellectual tools to survive and thrive

Topics Covered: defining and building resilience, threats to resilience, defining mindfulness, resources

Coping with performance anxiety related to academic success

Topics Covered: defining test anxiety, symptoms, managing anxiety before, during, and after tests, resources

Click here for a recorded presentation and resources on test anxiety.

What are characteristics of healthy relationships and what are the danger signs or “red flags” for unhealthy ones?

Topics Covered: defining healthy relationships, healthy characteristics, how to build healthy relationships, defining unhealthy relationships, unhealthy characteristics, domestic violence, getting help, resources


How to survive and cope

Topics Covered: warning signs the relationship is struggling, tips for keeping them healthy and thriving

An interactive session focused on what motivates people and how to harness those characteristics to improve performance

Topics Covered: what is motivation, motivation theory, types of motivation, motivation thieves, motivation resources

 Common types of avoidant behaviors and what to do to overcome the barriers

Topics Covered: understanding procrastination, challenges of procrastination and solutions, resources