The Student Emergency Fund (SEF) is made possible by the generosity of donors committed to helping students with critical, basic needs achieve their educational goals at Missouri S&T.
The SEF is administered by the Division of Student Success to help ensure Missouri S&T students have access to the support and resources they need to successfully recover from an unforeseeable financial emergency.
The goal of this fund is to prevent one small emergency or unexpected expense from derailing a student’s progress toward degree completion.
The Student Emergency Fund (SEF) is made possible by the generosity of donors committed to helping students with critical, basic needs achieve their educational goals at Missouri S&T. The goal of this fund is to prevent one small emergency or unexpected expense from derailing a student’s progress toward degree completion.
Because the fund is sustained by generous contributions from staff, faculty, students, alumni, parents, and friends of the University, we rely on and appreciate donations to the SEF.
Missouri S&T employees may make a tax-deductible contribution to the SEF through payroll deduction. Employees may complete the payroll deduction form online. For questions about the payroll deduction process, please contact Advancement Services at 573-341-4944.
To make a one-time tax-deductible donation, visit S&T Giving and select “Student Emergency Fund” option under 'designation' and then 'initiatives'.
More Questions? Please contact Student Well-Being at or 573.341.4225.
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