Student Emergency Fund

The Student Emergency Fund (SEF) is made possible by the generosity of donors committed to helping students with critical, basic needs achieve their educational goals at Missouri S&T. 

The SEF is administered by the Division of Student Success to help ensure Missouri S&T students have access to the support and resources they need to successfully recover from an unforeseeable financial emergency. 

The goal of this fund is to prevent one small emergency or unexpected expense from derailing a student’s progress toward degree completion.

  • Funds may be provided only when sufficient funding is available. Funding is very limited at this time with many requests processed daily.  
  • Funds must directly support the individual student’s critical, basic needs.
  • Funds may only be received by an individual student once at $300 or less.
  • Payments may not be made directly to an S&T student. 
  • All other financial resources must be exhausted before application to SEF.
  • Application to the SEF is not a guarantee that funds will be received.
  • Approval is determined based on eligibility, supporting documentation and funding availability.
  • Recipients are encouraged to contribute to the SEF at a future time when they are able.
  • Must be currently enrolled as a degree-seeking Missouri S&T student;
  • have not previously received financial assistance through this fund;
  • demonstrate an immediate financial hardship resulting from an emergency or other unexpected critical incident that has a direct and foreseeable impact on the student's ability to continue their education;
  • demonstrate a good faith effort to explore other funding options (e.g. insurance, free or low-cost services available, relatives, SFA, etc.);
  • exhausted other financial resources as determined by the Office of Student Financial Assistance (i.e. has not exceeded maximum budget allowances, has utilized other financial aid opportunities);
  • submitted a complete SEF application form; and
  • provided documentation of an expense which is unexpected, unforeseen, and urgent and not a result of the student’s negligent actions. 
  • Food
  • Emergency housing expenses or essential utilities (i.e. eviction or shut-off)
  • Safety and security needs (e.g. changing locks, moving costs, travel to court)
  • Costs related to unexpected medical or mental health care  

Other financial needs arising from an unexpected emergency or extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on an individualized basis.

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Insurance
  • Continuous fixed expenses (e.g. rent)
  • Study abroad costs
  • Non-essential utilities (internet, cable)
  • Loss of items or furniture unrelated to damage or theft
  • Costs of entertainment, recreation, or non-emergency travel
  • Legal counsel and fees
  • Veterinary bills and pet expenses
  • Parking tickets
  • Other anticipated expenses
  1. Consult with a Case Manager to discuss your situation and submit an application.
  2. A minimum qualification review will occur as a preliminary step by a subcommittee of the Student Emergency Fund Committee. This step includes a review of other potential resources to meet the student's needs.
  3. If minimum qualifications are met and there are no other potential resources, the entire Student Emergency Fund Committee will evaluate the request.
  4. The student will be notified of the determination of the Committee.
  5. If approved, payments will be made directly to vendors and outside parties.

Giving to the Fund

The Student Emergency Fund (SEF) is made possible by the generosity of donors committed to helping students with critical, basic needs achieve their educational goals at Missouri S&T. The goal of this fund is to prevent one small emergency or unexpected expense from derailing a student’s progress toward degree completion.

Because the fund is sustained by generous contributions from staff, faculty, students, alumni, parents, and friends of the University, we rely on and appreciate donations to the SEF.

Missouri S&T employees may make a tax-deductible contribution to the SEF through payroll deduction. Employees may complete the payroll deduction form online.  For questions about the payroll deduction process, please contact Advancement Services at 573-341-4944.  

To make a one-time tax-deductible donation, visit S&T Giving and select “Student Emergency Fund” option under 'designation' and then 'initiatives'.

More Questions? Please contact Student Well-Being at or 573.341.4225.