
JED Campus Health and Well-Being Committee

JED Campus is a nationwide initiative of The Jed Foundation (JED) designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, programs, and policy development with customized support to build upon existing mental well-being, substance abuse, and suicide prevention efforts. JED Campus schools embark on a strategic partnership with JED that assesses and enhances existing work and helps to create positive, lasting, systemic change in the campus community. As part of the process, each school establishes an interdisciplinary, campus-wide team to assess, support, and implement improvements.


To learn more about this committee, click below.

JED Campus Committee

Prevention Coalition

Prevention Coalition is a network of campus and community partners who utilize S&T specific data to guide wellness initiatives. These initiatives encourage positive choices among students and reduce the impact of high-risk behavior associated with alcohol and other drugs. We collaborate closely with Partners in Prevention (PIP) and twenty other Missouri universities to guide and improve Student Well-Being programming.


To learn more about this committee, click below.

Prevention Coalition